Error importing local video to Client ,Are there any other requirements for importing local videos? It doesn’t seem to be mentioned in the documentation
Hi Xiaofei, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting!
Yes, the documentation about this needs to be updated. To stream a video file, move that file to the same directory as your docker-compose.yml on the server side. Then, create a new stream with the file path /working_dir/video_t1.mp4.
Would you mind showing us the device ID you’re using and the error that you get?
It looks like the URL you’re providing is an IP address. RTSP URLs have to start with “rtsp://” and often have additional information in the URL that BrainFrame needs in order to connect. The documentation on this can be found here. Basically, the format looks like this:
Not all RTSP streams need a path, so it may not be necessary in your case. If you can give us the make and model of your IP Camera, we may be able to help you figure out this RTSP URL!
This looks like a bug we found in the v0.23.0 version of the client. Please download the latest v0.23.1 release from our Downloads page, which has this issue fixed.
I tried again and upgraded both the server and client to v0_23_1.Opening the camera of the local video file and RTSP address still fails, and the prompt message seems to be the same as the version of v0_23_0. As follows:
Failed to open RTSP address camera,The failure information is shown in the red box in the picture
That is a 401 Unauthorized error, which usually means that the provided username and password for the stream is incorrect or no username and password is provided. Are you putting the username and password for the IP camera in the URL?
You’re on the right track, but the current solution is confusing. Instead of using the file explorer to select the file, type in “/working_dir/video_t1.mp4”. We’re looking to improve this experience in the future to make this process easier and more clear.
It looks like you closed the client with Ctrl+C. This prevents the client from closing gracefully, and you’ll get the KeyboardInterrupt error. This is usually harmless, but I would recommend closing the client with the “X” on the top right of the window instead.
Then, make your file path == “/working_dir/video_t1.mp4”
I’m not sure why the client is taking a long time to close. Usually, it will wait until all videostream connections have been closed cleanly. Maybe it’s taking a long while? Either way, it’s not a big deal.
That’s strange, the error usually means that GStreamer RTSP plugins are not installed, but they should be included in the gstreamer1.0-plugins-good package. What happens if you run the following command?
Okay! The problem has been solved remotely. For all future people who come looking at this thread, the end problem was that the rtsp camera password that @xiaofei had included an “@” symbol. This seems to confuse gstreamers parser, ending up with a “401 unauthorized” error on the client logs.
We changed the cameras’ passwords, and it worked fine!
Another possible solution is to replace the “@” in the client with “%40”. This is the url encoding for “@”, and will be parsed fine.