How can I the get context of the video stream about a frame when the capsule running process_frame?

I would get video stream address when capsule running process_frame interface,but I didn’t find the relevant interface or property

Hi Huanzi,

Thank you for joining the community and using BrainFrame! We’re glad to have you.

I would get video stream address when capsule running process_frame interface,but I didn’t find the relevant interface or property

This is a great question. Capsules do not have information about how to connect the stream, because that’s something that BrainFrame (the capsule runtime) handles for you.

Shown below is the architecture diagram for BrainFrame. As you can see, Gstreamer handles connecting to cameras and extracting frames, and the capsules handle processing the frames and the algorithms.

Could you help me understand what you need the video stream address for?

If you are looking to save variables on a per-stream basis, you can use the StreamState interface, which is useful for trackers that need to hold information on a per-stream basis across the lifetime of the stream. I’d happily explain more, if that’s something you’re interested in?


Here you go!