No Space in Device for server in a VM using Hyper-V in windows

This message was copied from this github issue.

@AbdelsalamHaa on Github:

I faced this issue when I’m trying to install the server side into VM created by Hyper-V
The error message is attached below

failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow_core/include/google/protobuf/util/internal/expecting_objectwriter.h: no space left on device

I adjust the hard disk maximum size to be 50 Gb , but it seems like it has to do something with a volume is full. It is a new created VM so nothing is added besides the requirement for the server side.

Any idea or suggestion how to solve that, thank you

Hi @AbdelsalamHaa,

It sounds to me like you resized the VM after creating the system. That means that hile the virtual disk has space, the partition stil needs to be resized to fill the new space.

I recommend looking at this post which shows some of the necesary commands to get Linux to expand it’s partition to fill the new space.

An alternative option is to re-create the VM, but with a larger volume from the very beginning.